Founder@ Interview

Founder@ Interview

“Never give up, the road will be tough and rough but stick to it. As long as you believe in what you are doing..” – Funmi Lawal Today we feature Funmi Lawal, the founder at Clip-Knix. We hear their story in their own words, their successes, their challenges and their...
MyLondon Article

MyLondon Article

‘I couldn’t put on my own underwear after my stroke – then I invented my own so disabled people can feel sexy too’ In 2002, Funmi Lawal, now 54, flew back to her home in South London from Dubai to have her baby. She thought it would be a...
Dressing for Success

Dressing for Success

Dressing for Success Funmi Lawal tells us how a stroke following childbirth turned her life upside down, and how she’s using her experience to give back. How do you identify as disabled, and what does it mean to you? In 2002, I travelled to the UK from my home in...
Knowing how to help a friend with cancer

Knowing how to help a friend with cancer

Knowing how to help a friend with cancer Helping a friend with cancer does not have to be difficult.  Try to treat them the same. It is important not to let your friend’s condition get in the way of your friendship.  Continuing friendships and regular activities after...
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